Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thinking thinking

While surfing the web i came across this beautiful dress, and i realized i feel like getting in touch with my 50's girl side.
Let's see what i can do to my hair one of these days

meanwhile, i'll bask in this beautiful dress.

Friday, October 29, 2010

the week that is to come

today i will be going on a retreat, and although i like bonding time with my friends, i have such a ton of homework i don't know what i will do with my life next week! (or the week after for that matter)

my dear friend cheska told me the most inspiring thing yester-night: Message to homework: go home and die!
now i have a big white paper on my wall with those same words. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Red Shoes

I've been thinking of watching some nice old movies, going a little clasique on the films.
This one is one of the  first movies in my "i-must-watch"
The Red Shoes 1948
when I will actually watch it is another question.

But truly besides a nice plot line (yes I kind of spoiled it for myself), the era in which this movie was made is just inspiring! and i have an affinity for her red hair!

Yes, it is a movie about a ballerina, but the focus i would say it's on her red shoes. and those shoes can lead to make hard decisions.

I really shouldn't

Giving the fact that I have a midterm the next day, i really should not be writing my first blog. Yet the desire is truly great (or simply put: i don't want to read all that material again)
So I will just kill some precious time :)

The one thing of today: i found the most beautiful lace dress, and winter is coming :(
and as if by destiny, it's called the "Laura Lace Dress" must i submit to and buy it!