Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In Flowers

I have a thing for dresses. It's funny because I know that just last year dresses were almost the last thing I wore. I guess we change as we grow older (although that was only a year).

Taking a little advantage of the sun and the lack of rain for the past days I went outside to take some shots.
I love the days when it's cold enough to wear tights and a scarf but warm enough to wear a light dress. And although you might not believe it--it was a bit cold. Yes for a socal girl, even sunny days might feel cold.
 As you can see, I was too lazy to actually "do something" to my hair.

dress: target
cardi: old navy
bow belt: gift from mom

tights: f21
flats: gift
scarf: Christmas gift from my aunt (handmade)


  1. super cute outfit, love the florals!!

  2. you look very cute..and I have a thing for dresses too...especially the floral ones :)

  3. Florals are so nice. And you look adorable! :)

  4. aw i love dresses too! I practically live in them !

    hope you had a nice christmas

    xxx christie


  5. @MsShamz thank you so much!!
    @Jahn i know! aren't they the best!
    @Masoom R. Minawala thank you ur blog is amazing!
    @Joselin lol omg really?
    @christie i hope u had a nice Christmas too!!! thank you!

    @everyone: HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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